The Seattle Times — Creative storage alternatives to the coat closet

Amber Katz, The Seattle Times

If you live in a four-season city like Seattle, chances are that you’re always cycling through a rotation of coats, jackets, accessories, and umbrellas. Having a dedicated space in your home for these items will elevate your daily routine. Amber Katz at The Seattle Times teamed up with Seattle-based interior designers to share the top tips for creating neat, organized coat storage. 

Here are some snippets from the article:

“Opt for double hooks to maximize your hanging options. Add a boot tray below the hooks to corral wet shoes and a basket to store dog leashes or winter hats and gloves.”

“Shallow cubbies near the entry door are a fantastic solution to store coats, hats, and shoes in an organized way, says Gardner. ‘A bench seat also makes the task of taking off and putting on your shoes an absolute breeze,’ says Gardner. ‘While a built-in version is ideal to maximize space, a ready-made solution can be equally effective and are available in a wide range of price points.’”

“Console tables are a great drop zone and a good place to house keys, phones, wallets, and any other small item that you need to grab on your way out the door.”

Read more here

Whether you’re a homeowner or a renter, there are so many ways to introduce a coat storage system into your space. Find the right fit for you. For more, visit the Renovation Blueprint blog for more tips, tricks, and inspiration—I add new articles every Friday! 


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